Earlier this month, my brother and I smoked before heading to the Conmebol Copa America match between Argentina and Canada at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Gorging on pulled pork and Stella Artois, my mind drifted from the game to deeper reflections on the event’s abstract significance.
Viewing Players and Spectators Through a Different Lens
From my vantage point, players resembled hunter-gatherers in a survival battle, while spectators seemed like ancient Roman overlords at a gladiatorial spectacle, detached yet entertained. This altered perspective transformed the match into a microcosm of human history and societal structures.
Cannabis and Creative Writing
I often write while high, finding cannabis enhances my creativity and eases writer’s block. Many literary figures, like Victor Hugo and Hunter S. Thompson, explored cannabis for similar reasons, contributing to publications. Cannabis opens a gateway to creative thinking, allowing ideas to flow more freely.
Enhanced Perception Through Cannabis
Watching Tarkovsky’s Solaris under the influence, I grasped its avant-garde storytelling, perceiving new layers of meaning in its visuals. Cannabis heightened my awareness, revealing details unnoticed before. This enhanced perception enriched my appreciation for the film’s complex narrative and artistic expression.
Focus and Flow: Writing Under the Influence
Contrary to expectation, cannabis helps me focus intensely on writing, allowing thoughts to flow naturally without overthinking. The state of flow achieved through cannabis use fosters a seamless writing process, where creativity and productivity coexist harmoniously.
Literary Theory and Cannabis
While not medically verified, cannabis’s role in enhancing creativity aligns with literary theory, particularly Viktor Shklovsky’s concept of “estrangement,” making familiar things appear new. This concept resonates deeply with my experiences, as cannabis allows me to see the world through a refreshed lens.
Rediscovering Intensity Through Cannabis
Cannabis induces a childlike wonder, where mundane experiences like eating or watching movies become vivid and profound, akin to seeing the world afresh. This renewed intensity enriches daily life, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.
Cannabis and Artistic Inspiration
In essence, cannabis facilitates a deeper artistic insight by rekindling the intensity and freshness of experiencing life anew, a valuable tool for any writer or artist. The Copa America match, viewed through this altered state, became more than just a game; it was a profound reflection on human nature and creativity.
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