Search Results: South Carolina

Setback for South Carolina Medical Cannabis Bill as Session Nears End

By Phil Greenwood / May 1, 2024 /

Committee Testimony on Medical Marijuana Bill Lawmakers in South Carolina’s House committee hear testimony on Tuesday regarding a Senate-passed bill to legalize medical marijuana. Unlikelihood of a House Vote Despite…

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Moving Forward: South Carolina’s Medical Cannabis Bill on House Agenda

By Lisa Fairbanks / April 23, 2024 /

South Carolina Senate’s Approval: A Significant Step Forward On February 13, 2024, South Carolina achieved a significant milestone in cannabis policy reform as the state Senate initially approved a bill…

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Breaking News: South Carolina Senate Greenlights Medical Cannabis Legalization!

By Mary Marty / February 29, 2024 /

In a groundbreaking move, the South Carolina Senate has voted to approve a bill legalizing medical cannabis, marking a significant step forward in healthcare reform and progressive policy. This monumental…

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US Reclassification of Cannabis: Implications for State Legalization

By Phil Greenwood / May 9, 2024 /

The recent proposal by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug has stirred hopes among proponents of cannabis legalization. While the immediate impact…

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Seizing the Moment: Congresswoman Urges Passage of Cannabis Banking Bill

By Bayley Greenleaf / April 26, 2024 /

Rep. Maxine Waters, a prominent Democrat from California, emphasizes the urgent need to pass marijuana banking reform, despite potential opposition from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Bipartisan Collaboration on Cryptocurrency…

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Home | Cannabis Insurance News You Can Really Use!

By awesurance / January 25, 2024 /

Cannabis Industry News You Can Use Latest News Setback for South Carolina Medical Marijuana Bill as Session Nears End By Phil Greenwood | May 1, 2024 Committee Testimony on Medical…

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Medical Cannabis Business License

Kentucky Opens Applications for Medical Cannabis Business License

By Jules Puffings / July 1, 2024 /

In a significant development for Kentucky’s medical cannabis program, Governor Andy Beshear announced on Thursday that the state is expediting the timeline for access to medical cannabis for those with…

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Data Reveals Increase in Native American Tribal Cannabis Business Owners

By Becci Marti / May 29, 2024 /

25% Increase in Tribally Owned Cannabis Retailers Since January 2023, we’ve witnessed a 25% increase in tribally owned retailers throughout the country, with budding markets like Minnesota potentially offering more…

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USDA Reports Growth in Hemp Industry: Rising Yields and Prices Signal Rebound

By Bayley Greenleaf / April 22, 2024 /

After years of turbulence, the U.S. hemp industry is finally witnessing signs of stabilization and growth, as revealed by the latest National Hemp Report released by the U.S. Department of…

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