Delaware Moves Closer to Allowing Recreational Sales at Medical Cannabis Dispensaries

News 27-June 10

Delaware’s Senate Judiciary Committee has moved forward with a bill allowing existing medical cannabis businesses to sell cannabis to adults, facilitating earlier recreational sales than planned.

Details of HB 408 Conversion License

HB 408, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski, introduces a “conversion license” enabling medical dispensaries to serve both patients and adults over 21. Fees from conversions are projected to exceed $4 million, funding social equity initiatives.

Addressing Market Fairness and Equity

Critics argue the bill favors large corporations, while supporters highlight benefits for social equity applicants and expanded patient access.

Amendments and Legislative Path

Recent amendments include increased licensing fees and provisions for continued medical patient service.

Next Steps and Timeline

The Delaware Office of the Marijuana Commissioner aims to open conversion license applications by August 1, aiming for rapid implementation ahead of further regulatory developments.

Banking Protections and Program Expansion

Additional legislation ensures banking protections for cannabis businesses, as Delaware prepares to expand its medical cannabis program and launch adult-use sales by March 2025.

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