Social Workers Urge Biden to Fully Decriminalize Cannabis

Social Workers Urge Biden to Fully Decriminalize Cannabis

Nearly 150 social workers have written a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to completely remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA). They argue that while the administration’s proposal to reschedule cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III is a step forward, it does not go far enough. The social workers emphasize the need for full  decriminalize cannabis to address the ongoing harm caused by cannabis criminalization.

Call for Action

The letter, signed by 148 social workers, highlights the severe impact that the criminalization of marijuana has had on families, particularly in communities of color. It states, “The criminalization of marijuana has torn apart families, with overwhelmingly disparate impact in communities of color. If marijuana remains scheduled under the CSA, the individual and collective suffering caused by prohibition will continue growing.”

Impact of Criminalization

The social workers point out that under current law, people convicted of drug offenses can lose essential public benefits, such as welfare aid under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and access to housing. They have seen firsthand the harm caused by marijuana criminalization in their profession. “If marijuana remains scheduled, parents will lose their children, children will lose their homes, and beloved members of our households will be deprived of essential benefits,” the letter states.

Support for Legalization

Despite widespread support for cannabis legalization, the letter notes that using marijuana remains a federal crime, which would still be the case even after rescheduling. The current patchwork of state and local laws has led to significant disparities in opportunities and outcomes across the country. In legal states, communities can benefit from legal marijuana sales and safe, regulated products. In contrast, other communities face severe consequences for the same substance.

Foster Care System Impact

The letter highlights that approximately 80% of all children in the foster care system are removed from their homes for drug-related reasons. The social workers call on Biden to take executive action to end some of these harms immediately and support reform legislation in Congress. “This is what our families need to thrive,” they state.

Communities of Color Disproportionately Affected

The letter points out that the consequences of prohibition have disproportionately affected communities of color. Mel Wilson, senior policy advisor at the National Association of Social Workers, said, “Criminalizing marijuana has resulted in the arrest and incarceration of millions of Americans, mostly people of color, for many decades.” He argues that rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule III drug does not correct this injustice.

Advocates for Full Decriminalization

Chelsea Higgs Wise, executive director of the advocacy group Marijuana Justice, has a background in social work. She emphasized that activists have long championed decriminalization and descheduling because rescheduling is insufficient. “It doesn’t address past harms and is a minimal effort considering the immense damage caused by the drug war,” she said.

Montae Taylor, a coordinator at Marijuana Justice, called social workers “the champions of change.” He said their support for this petition shows their unwavering commitment to justice and equality. “Their signatures are more than just names; they’re symbols of hope and resilience,” Taylor said.

Coalition Support

United for Marijuana Decriminalization, the group behind the letter, includes various organizations such as the Drug Policy Alliance, National Cannabis Industry Association, Parabola Center, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, National Association of Black Cannabis Lawyers, Minority Cannabis Business Association, and Better Organizing to Win Legalization.

Public Participation Encouraged

Cat Packer, director of drug markets and legal regulation at the Drug Policy Alliance, urged supporters of cannabis reform to comment on the rescheduling proposal. United for Marijuana Decriminalization has created a tool for individuals to easily submit comments in support of federal marijuana decriminalization. The Department of Justice is accepting comments on the proposal until July 22.

Opposition to Rescheduling

Groups against cannabis rescheduling are also voicing their concerns. Organizations like Smart Approaches to Marijuana are fundraising to oppose the change and have asked the DEA to delay the rescheduling process. They argue that delaying the rulemaking process is in the public interest.

The letter from social workers to President Biden underscores the urgent need to fully decriminalize marijuana to address the ongoing harm caused by its criminalization. While rescheduling is a step forward, advocates believe it is not enough to correct past injustices and support affected communities. As the debate continues, public participation and advocacy remain crucial in shaping the future of marijuana policy in the United States.

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